The first time I came to England was about twelve years ago and I remember how uncomfortable for me it was when I mentioned my nationality, because people immediately associated it with narcotrafic. I did not blame them as they only heard of Colombia when there was news about assassinations, bombs and kidnappings among other manifestations of crime. It was very surprising for me when I heard last Monday that a famous singer, who had been in the news for expending huge amounts of money on Cocaine, had been invited to Colombia to see what is the reality behind that fancy drug and there he was reporting his experience in Panorama, a BBC News television programme.
I would like to share with you some positive things about my country. We have the privilege of having two coasts (Caribbean and Pacific) and an island called San Andres. The variety of climates allows us to grow different kind of vegetables, fruits, cereals, coffee, cotton. Most important of all, Colombian people are friendly, outgoing, hardworking, there are a lot of talented artists such as Fernando Botero (sculptor and painter), Juanes and Shakira (pop singers), footballers and writers among others. People who come and visit us have a good time and fall in love with my country.
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